Tuesday, 4 May 2010

a sign of food to come!

So, Im nick and im a self proclaimed foodie, this seems to be the general definition for someone who see's food as much much more than just sustenance and I would firmly put me in that category. On a side note I wonder if there is an equivalent term as foodie in countries such as Spain, France and Italy where food is generally seen as a much more important aspect of life than the brit’s seem to credit it with.

Anyway back to the blog in hand! As a foodie I own numerous foodie/recipe books and watch countless TV programs about anything remotely involving food. however I don’t feel I challenge myself enough or on a regularly enough basis so I have decided to start this blog and reach out to foodie friends and strangers to see what you are all doing in your kitchens and to let you know what’s going on in mine.

So the plan is that I will drop in here at least once a week and spout some food gibberish whether that is a recipe success, disaster or just to post questions for the (as yet non existent) masses to ponder.

And in return I want challenges and information from all you people out there. anything from why the fxxx did my cake not rise to how to make hydrocolloids and I will spend my free time trying to solve these problems or attempting the challenges set by myself or you good people.

there are a couple of things to consider the first is that my fiancé is veggie so if you could throw up something I can impress her with now and again I would be eternally grateful. Also anything that involve molecular gastronomy or me learning the classics, is encouraged and finally I will do my best to take on all challenges but this will depend on practicalities and finances.

So that’s my first blog done! Im now going to pack my profile full of info and hope that it might help this little project along.

Thanks for reading, if you are!!!!?
